Arduino project`s by Pavel Bandaletov
AY Player v.1.4
Arduino UNO R3 + I2c Display 128x32 + AY8912 / YM2149F + SD Reader
Убрана задержка при переходе в режим рандома и баг с замедлением музыки. Показ файлов сразу идет, добавлены красивые индикаторы каналов и красивая полоска с процентами, если при резете нажать любую кнопку - будет показывать коды кнопок на A6. по умолчанию - не нажатая кнопка - более 400 (притянуто к VCC), RANDOM- 0-100 (GND), LEFT- 150-200, RIGHT - 300-350
UPD 07.03.2021
Changed Adafruit5x7.h font for better vumeter symbol
AY Player v.1.3
Arduino UNO R3 + I2c Display 128x32 + AY8912 / YM2149F + SD Reader
Requirement: see below v1.2 / UPD: Removed Vu-meter & Filename flickering
AY Player v.1.2
Arduino UNO R3 + I2c Display 128x32 + AY8912 / YM2149F + SD Reader
- Arduino UNO/NANO/LGT8F328P
- 1xSSD1306 128x32 OLED Display I2C
- 3xResistor 500-1k Ohm for analog buttons
- 1xResistor 4.7k Ohm for analog buttons Pullup
- 3 tacile Analog buttons
- 1xLion Battery 3.7V
- 1x TF Module for Arduino
- Case from Aliexpress
- Wires
- Switch ON/OFF
- Li-Pol 3.7V
- DC step UP to 5V
- Li-ON charge module

Download sketch:
Arduino STM32F103C based multimeter + buzzer for circuit probe + I2c Display 128x32 - Digital and Analog voltage scale + battery status icon
- STM32F103C Board (Blue Pill)
- 1xSSD1306 128x32 OLED Display I2C
- 2xResistor 500-1k Ohm for analog buttons
- 1xResistor 4.7k Ohm for analog buttons Pullup
- 2xResistor 100K Ohm for analog analog input
- 2xResistor 10kOhm for analog analog input
- 2 tacile buttons for Analog buttons
- 2 switch
- 1 buzzer for circuit probe
- 1xLion Battery 3.7V from quadrocopter
- 1x DC Step Down AMS 1117 stabilizer to From 5V to 3.3V
- Some textolite for button
- Case of Powerbank from Aliexpress
- Wires
Callibration process
Download sketch mlt.ino
UPD. Schematic
Arduino UNO based 24xx CHIP programmer + I2c Screen 1602 +SD Card
Based on Arduino UNO
- Arduino UNO
- 1xSD Card Module
- 1x1602 Liquid Display I2C
- 5xResistor 500-1k Ohm for analog buttons PIN14 (A0)
- 1xResistor 4.7k Ohm for analog buttons PIN14 (A0) Pullup
- 6 tacile buttons for Analog buttons
- Some textolite for button
- Case DIY from Aliexpress
- Wires
Download sketch prg_uno.ino
Arduino color Pong game on 1.44 TFT SPI display with 2 excellent bots, 4 levels and bosses!
Based on Arduino Nano v.3(328p) clone LGT NANO from (LGT8F328P) due it small size,12-bit ADC and 3.3 Volt
- Arduino Nano v.3 or LGT8F328P (clone from
- 1xBuzzer to PIN6
- 1xResistor 479 Ohm for analog button 1 to PIN17 (A3)
- 1xResistor 1k Ohm for analog button 2 to PIN17 (A3)
- 1xResistor 2k Ohm for analog button 3 to PIN17 (A3)
- 3 tacile buttons for Analog buttons to PIN17 (A3)
- 1.44 TFT color LCD screen from Aliexpress 128x128 SPI (see .ino file settings for connection to SPI)
- 5v for LCS screen, 3.3v for LCD screen and microcontroller (I use AMS1117 3.3)
- Power switch
- Case for Powerbank 2x18XXX battery with lithium charger and 5Volt regulator) + 220 Ohm resistor for load more then 200mah total
Default after reset - Bot-Bot game (1 level)
Turn on/off green BOT - press OK (Code ready for human-human game also - see settings)
Switch levels:
Level 1 - Default
Level 2 - Press and hold UP and reboot
Level 2 - Press and hold OK and reboot
Level 2 - Press and hold DOWN and reboot
Libraries modded for 1.44 SPI color TFT (BLACK)
Download sketch pong.ino with libraries
STM32 (F103) Simon Say Game
Simple toy with 4 LED + 4 Tactile push buttons + 1 Buzzer
3 levels + Kids Piano to Play full mario music
1. When start game is on 1 level for youngest kids. To win you need to repeat only 4 notes
2. To switch to level 2 (8 notes) - press and hold #2 and push reset, wait mario song, then release button. To win you need to repeat 8 notes.
3. To switch to level 3 (99 notes for genius) - press and hold button #3 and then push reset, wait mario underworld song, then release button. On this level to win you need to repeat 99 notes. You may see your position at fleshlight. RED - 4 notes RED+YELLOW - 8 notes, RED+YELLOW+GREEN - 12 notes, ALL LEDS FLASHES - more then 16 notes. Check memory of your personal!
4. To switch to level 4 (Mario piano song) - press and hold button #4 and then push reset, wait led lights, then release button. You can play mario song!
RED Led to A5
YELLOW Led to A4
GREEN Led to A1
BLUE Led to A3
Button #1 to B1 (for red button)
Button #2 to A7 (for yellow button)
Button #3 to A6 (for green button)
Button #4 to A2 (for blue button)
Buzzer to A0
AY-3-8912 DIY Pleer (PSG)
Download sketch for Arduino IDE with PSG files TF card structure
Requirements: Arduino NANO or compatible + AY-3-8912 chip + resistors + capacitors + 2 analog buttonts to A4 for NEXT / PREV / SKIP DIR
LCD KeyPad Shield + L-Menu System by Pavel Bandaletov
Requirements: Arduino Uno R3 / Mega256 or compatible, Arduino IDE, DFRobot LCD keypad shield or LCD1602/2004 LCD display with analogue keypad buttons (or separately)
Technical Specification:
800bytes RAM (20% of UNO R3) / 16Kb ROM (52% of UNO R3)
Menu sub levels - NO LIMITS
Functions on each item - YES
Modal functions outside menu - YES no limits
InMenu functions - YES no limits
Background function (one function used for Volume level) - YES
Universal functions for all kinds - YES
You can specify function, parameters, max, min values and step
Key analogue antilag - YES
Sublevels no limits - YES
Scrollable Long ites - YES
Navigation scrol bar - YES
VERY CUSTOMISABLE/ Minimal processing STDIN delay. No lags, no clear screen. Very fast working.
License - Free
Project Video / Creating L-Menu System
Часть 1. ПО-РУССКИ
Часть 2 / Part 2
RobotDyn UNO R3 + L-Menu + SoftPWM (A1-A5) + 5LED + DHT11
Часть 3 / Part 3
Mega256 + оригинальный шит DFRobot LCD Keypad + L-Menu + SoftPWM (A1-A5) + 5LED + Bonus
Часть 4 / Part 4
Mega256 + оригинальный шит DFRobot LCD Keypad + L-Menu + SoftPWM (A1-A5) + 5LED + Encoder + Tone Buzzer + Mario bonus!
Часть 5 / Part 5
Добавлена подпрограмма установки времени и безлимитного количества будильников
Часть 6 / Part 6
Улучшена программа установки времени и будильников. Добавлена программа ввода текста (для паролей к примеру)
Часть 7 / Part 7
Оптимизация памяти, ошибок, вырезаны лишние функции, добавлен популярный I2C модуль часов RTC DS3231 на A4 и A5 пины, для совместимости с UNO / NANO пришлось ограничится 3-мя светодиодами управляемыми SoftPWM (Софтверный ШИМ)
В планах подключение экрана по I2C, SoftPWM по I2C и компиляция для NANO.